Orton starts the show. He wants to be the world champion again and officially enters the 2013 Royal Rumble. Sheamus interrupts and also says he'll be in the Royal Rumble. Orton attacked the Shield for revenge and vows to eliminate Sheamus (last year's Rumble winner). Big Show comes out and says it won't matter who wins the Rumble. Cesaro is next to the party and he's calling Americans "grotesquely obese" -- with Big Show standing 20 feet from him. Booker makes a tag match for tonight.
Miz vs. Heath Slater: Slater has Jinder and Drew with him. JBL wins again for the Spirit Squad reference. Miz with some good basic wrestling on Slater. Outside interference gives Slater the upper hand, and the ref ejects Jinder and Drew. Goodbye, Air Guitar Spirit Squad. Nice match once things settled. Slater works on Miz's left shoulder -- Miz's dominant arm. Miz with the comeback, hitting the SCF for three. **1/4
Great Khali, Hornswoggle, & Natalya vs. Primo, Epico, & Rosa Mendes: Six-person mixed tag match here. For yet another chance at facepalming and blindness, WWE replays the Mae Young "birth scene" on RAW -- and Hornswoggle is born. JBL says "Ugliest baby since (Josh Mathews)." LOL. Epico comes in, so Khali's tagged in. Epico tags Primo. That's tough love for your cousin. Hornswoggle's been watching tape of Stone Cold, got a couple stunners in. I wouldn't call a tag to Khali a "hot tag," more like a molasses tag. Big Khali chop to Epico gets three. *
Wade Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston (IC Title): Kofi lost the title on RAW and had to get his title rematch after pinning Barrett in the gauntlet match on Main Event. Wouldn't Kofi have had a rematch in his contract anyway? Oh wait, heels are more likely to use that, so we can't do that here. Kofi on fire early, so Barrett retreats. The usual Kingston flying stuff here. Barrett tries for the countout win, but unsuccessful. SOS gets two. Boomdrop also gets two. Trouble in Paradise misses, Bossman slam countered into a Kofi rollup for two. Barrett hits that Bossman slam, two again. Bullhammer misses, Trouble in Paradise knocks Barrett out of the ring. Kofi gets him back in, but Barrett gets his hand on the ropes to stop the count. Kofi leaps again and Barrett decks him with the Bullhammer for three. Best match all week. ***1/4
Tamina Snuka vs. Layla: Divas action next. Some physicality on the outside. Eventually, Tamina catches Layla on her springboard move and hits a Samoan Drop. One superfly splash later, Tamina wins. Not much more to write home here. 1/2*
We see highlights of the ending segment to RAW this past Monday. Next week, Rock returns to RAW and we have the TLC WWE Title match between Punk and Ryback.
Sheamus & Randy Orton vs. Big Show & Antonio Cesaro: This is the main event for this week's episode. Formulaic tag match. Glad to see Cesaro joining the main eventers for a night; he'll be there very often in the future. Big Show spear is still one heck of a move to take. Sheamus kicked out of Show's chokeslam, woulda preferred Orton come in to break up the pin. KO punch misses, Sheamus with the Brogue Kick. Hot tag to Orton. Sheamus tags himself in and Orton doesn't like it, to say the least. White Noise to Cesaro. Sheamus sets up for the Brogue Kick and Orton RKOs Cesaro in a game of one-upsmanship. Hey, it gets the three-count. Whatever works. **1/2
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