James Storm vs. Kazarian: **1/4
Rob Van Dam vs. Kenny King (X-Division Title): ***
Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez vs. Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan (Tag Team Titles): **3/4
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray: ***
Tara vs. Mickie James (Knockouts Title): **1/4
Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Garett Bischoff, & Wes Brisco vs. Aces & Eights: ***1/4
Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles (No DQ, No Countout): ***3/4
Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode (World Title): ***1/4
Storm and Kaz in an impromptu opening match. Good crowd, although a bit dead in the middle of the match. Kaz tries to cheat to win, doesn't work. Fade to Black countered, Last Call hits for three. Read that Storm has taped-up busted ribs. Probably explains why he worked the match with his shirt on.
X-Division Title next. Kenny King finally gets to work another PPV. Interesting to see RVD go to the ground game against KK. Fun match here to show the in-ring style similarities. Amazing agility from both. Frog splash from RVD misses. Royal Flush countered, RVD rolls up KK for three. Very nice.
Tag title match next. Morgan can apparently bench a lot and is really growing that beard. Don't be taking the goat face title away from Daniel Bryan! Morgan looking real strong here.Chavo is the one worked over, then hot tag to Hernandez. Chavo nails the frog splash. Morgan pulls the ref out before he can count three. Ref DQs Morgan. We'll see a rematch very soon.
Next is Aries and Bully. Liking this Bully Ray face turn because he really hasn't changed his gimmick at all. Just being who he is. Why they decide to do another "scandal" or relationship storyline baffles me. Bully with a missile dropkick made me do a double take. Brainbuster countered into a big Bully Cutter for two. Crowd wanting tables. Bully into the steps and does the blade job. Brooke Hogan to the ring. Yeah, come down to the ring NOW?! Serious Hulk walking to the ring. Brooke ushered to the back. Aries with the low blow and rollup for three. Yup.
Knockouts Title next. Mickie donning some sexy attire with overalls. Yay for hardcore country gimmick? Jesse plays distraction role multiple times again. Tara takes advantage and hits the Widow's Peak for three.
We got the 8-man tag next: Angle's squad vs. Aces & Eights (Devon, Doc, and two masked guys). Competitive match here. Angle with the hot tag. Bischoff and Brisco help clean house. Spotfest of signature moves follows. Angle ready to put one of the masked A&E guys away. Bischoff intercepts Doc as he wanted to use that hammer. Angle Slam and it's over. Thought A&E should have won here. I hope this isn't TNA's version of the Nexus storyline all over again.
Styles and Daniels in another classic match. Winner only by pinfall or submission. These two may have been feuding off and on forever, but I'll never tire of the in-ring work. Holy physicality, Batman! Collision looked to be the reason for AJ getting busted open over the left eye. Styles Clash from AJ only gets two. Super Styles Clash countered. Daniels then uses the Styles Clash back on AJ for three. Well, that wraps up a year to forget for AJ, doesn't it? But a heck of a match.
World Title match closes the show. Main event intros from Borash. Hardy still selling the attack from Impact where Roode allegedly paid A&E to hurt Hardy. Roode with methodical offense to Hardy. Action to the floor for more punishment. Hardy with the comeback for a few near falls. Hardy with a nasty bump when missing the poetry in motion on the guardrail. Still, Hardy survives and the crowd loves that. Hardy manages the Swanton, but he's too hurt to get the pin. Roode spear only gets two.
A&E shows up at ringside. Roode wants them to interfere but they don't. Hardy with a Twist of Fate for three. A&E then gets in there and beats Hardy up. Roode's pissed that he should be the champ. A&E takes out Roode. End show.
For me, I'll say that it was a solid, consistent PPV. Nothing four stars and above, but Styles and Daniels came close. Hoped for the crowd to be just a bit more lively at times, but OK overall. ***1/4
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