Friday, February 1, 2013

1/31/13 Impact

Impact is in Manchester this week. And it's Open Fight Night! TNA brought back the raised catwalk rampway for this one.

Daniels and Kaz come out in kilts and dammit, they look like the Headbangers (tag team in WWE many years ago). Going back to the 13th century for Throwback Thursday. England apparently hates the Scots so a good way to get heel heat. Daniels says he'll eventually get the World Title and even defend it against the English.

Magnus comes out to a nice pop because he's in his home country. Haven't seen him since the Aces & Eights beatdown. Taz just says Magnus was collateral damage that day. Magnus wants to fight. Bad Influence with the initial 2-on-1 beatdown but Magnus clears house. Magnus then calls Devon out to face 1-on-1.But will it really be that way?

Magnus vs. Devon: Magnus in control on the outside of the ring to start. Devon slowed the pace down a bit, then Magnus with the usual face comeback. Two A&E guys storm the ring and the ref DQs Devon. Magnus tosses both guys out easily. Ho hum. *1/2

Joseph Park in the ring next, and he loves the sight of a large crowd. Better than the Impact Zone, isn't it? Park was gonna reveal who he's facing on Open Fight Night, but Robbie E crashes that. Guess Park didn't make the list. A lot of "bro" from Robbie E. He calls Park and "everybody else in the UK" a hamster. OOPS, ROB TERRY'S FROM THE UK! Vintage angry Rob Terry! Robbie E wipes his ass with Park's book and kisses it? Yeah, way to go, bro. Robbie E challenges Park to a match.

Joseph Park vs. Robbie E: Still shaking my head that Robbie E is a former TV and X-Division champ. To his credit, he does have a look to set himself apart from the others. Nice belly-to-belly from Park, then a second-rope splash for three. Crowd goes nuts for a rather basic match. *1/2

Austin Aries and Bobby Roode in the ring. Aries says they are the two most valuable players on the TNA roster, and they continue to be robbed. They vow to collect all the gold, one by one. Ha, even the Knockouts Title, eh? Aries says they'll start with the tag titles because it's the "easiest" one to get. Roode calls Hernandez and Chavo a "bunch of wankers." Enter the Mexican tandem. Tonight, more singles action, and if Aries wins, he and Roode get a tag title shot in the future.

Austin Aries vs. Chavo Guerrero: Chavo and Aries both on fire here. Real good pace to this one. Aries mocks Chavo but misses his version of the frog splash. Three Amigos suplexes from Chavo. Chavo with his frog splash but Roode slides in the ring to distract the ref. Hernandez gets in the ring so ref occupied with him, too. Aries with the dropkick to Chavo in the corner, then brainbuster for three. *3/4

Angle just wants Anderson in the cage, one on one. Joe again disrespectful to Garett Bischoff and Wes Brisco. Joe's just being Joe. Angle left alone to warm up.

Bully Ray and Brooke Hogan to the ring. Hulk Hogan in the building. Bully says only Sting can help to lift the suspension now. "STING" chants, so Sting comes out. Sting gets Hulk Hogan to the ring for another big pop. After Hogan keeps saying that he "always does the right thing, BROTHER!" he reinstates Bully Ray. Bully is now the storyline son-in-law even after the crashed wedding. Next week, Bully and Sting face two members of A&E in a tables match. Taz is pissed.

Dixie Carter with a "major announcement" that TNA is permanently going on the road starting March 14 in Chicago. I like the move. Do more events outside of the Impact Zone and cut the PPVs. I think it's gonna lead to more exposure for the business.

Velvet Sky calls out Tara and Jesse. Velvet also got a partner, so it's mixed tag action here.

James Storm & Velvet Sky vs. Jesse & Tara: Rather average mixed tag here. Velvet scores the pin with the In Yo Face to Tara after about 4 minutes. *

Video package of Angle and Anderson in their classic Lockdown 2010 cage match. One of the matches of the year, in my opinion.

Samoa Joe got taken out in the back. Angle's headed to the ring anyway for his match. Garett Bischoff stays in the back to call for a doctor.

Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson (Cage): Wes Brisco is at ringside. Anderson's now growing out darker hair to go along with the facial stubble. Win by pin, submission, or escaping the cage. As expected, it's a physical match. Both guys fight on the top rope and Angle gets crotched. Anderson again tries to escape, but Angle catches him with an Angle Slam from the top. Anderson with a low blow and a Mic Check only gets two. Angle powerbomb out of the corner gets two, but right into the ankle lock. Angle grapevines the leg and Anderson taps. Very good match here, as expected. Crowd enjoyed it. ***

A masked A&E guy climbs into the cage. Angle's ready for him. Wes Brisco also gets in the ring. Masked guy reveals himself? GARETT BISCHOFF! Angle's shocked. Angle goes after Garett and then WES BRISCO with the chop block to Angle's leg. Yup, two new A&E guys. Taz says it was a plan that came together.

It really was only a matter of time before Bischoff and Brisco joined A&E. It had been pointed out long ago that Garett Bischoff was posing as one of the rotating A&E guys. Might as well push these two youngsters now that they established an on-screen camera role. Might be confirmed next week that A&E took out Joe earlier in the episode, and perhaps it was actually Bischoff and Brisco who did it.

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