Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5/28/12 RAW

Alberto Del Rio vs. Santino Marella: N/A (squash)

Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger (Tag Team Titles): *3/4

Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk: ***3/4

Christian vs. Miz: *1/2

Sheamus vs. David Otunga: N/A (squash)

Brodus Clay vs. Big Show: N/A

Show starts the show off. Yeah, nice smile. He mentions Brodus dancing, Kofi/Truth, etc. Would be a good chance for Brodus to get a meaningful storyline, but nope, Cena must get in the way. Good heel promo in playing to the crowd.

Santino faces Alberto this week after giving the Cobra to Ricardo last week. Alberto basically wins in a squash this week. Meh. Ricardo rolls the Rs in Santino's face.

Big Show gets to pick his own opponent tonight for a match. A-Ry isn't it, but Big Show still introduces him to the wall. Ow.

ZigSwag get another crack at the tag titles. Kingston and Truth with some nice double-team moves. Average free TV match, but the crowd loves Kofi and Truth, so yay for crowd reaction. Truth pins Swagger again, and Ziggler hates it. Possible dissension in the ranks?

Hey, Brodus stands up to Show and wants to face him! Show accepts. I like it.

Johnny back on his Hoveround. Cena and Show will be in a cage at No Way Out. He's now the most popular WWE superstar in history? Ha, he's on WWE 13. That'll sell just as good as those Dreamcast games. Here comes Punk. Pukn's gum on the Hoveround. Big banner + pyro to show Punk's the real guy on the video game cover. And it looks damn sweet. ROFL, Punk's is a helluva lot bigger than Johnny's.

WWE 13 comes out October 30, FYI.

Punk vs. Bryan next. Hell yes. Yay wrestling! More great submissions and mat wrestling. Includes the traditional "bridge out of a pin and fight for a backslide" spot. #yesyesyes DB works on the left arm. Punk and DB on the outside, and AJ comes out in Punk's shirt?! Yay, I get to watch someone else in the match too! Tons of counters and near falls. Another great match. Again, can these two go at it for 2-3 hours? Seriously.

DB removes the top turnbuckle padding as AJ distracts the ref (or tells him what DB's doing). Punk kick gets two. DB catapults Punk into the exposed steel turnbuckle and gets three. Love it.

Oops. Kane nukes DB for what happened on Smackdown. Punk then unloads chair shots on Kane after AJ slips him that weapon. Yes, I would go crazy like that for AJ as well. Such a sultry look....

Cody on commentary tonight. Christian faces Miz. Decent match here with a bunch of counters. Cody tries to interfere once, but it didn't work. Frog splash ends it.

Big Johnny is tough on Otunga and Eve. Otunga faces Eve. Eve with the spittake on iced coffee that's supposed to be cold.

Miz is still miffed and complains. He wants his title match. Not gonna get it. Here comes Orton. RKO. Done.

Ziggler wants to be in Orton's spot. No more tag matches. I agree.

Cena's mentioned for a Memorial Day video package. Maybe a somewhat reduced work schedule is needed as he goes through this whole divorce mess.

Otguna with a lot of body oil and bodybuilding posing. Sheamus just picks this Harvard guy apart and practically squashes him. So much for Otunga's proclamation. Next!

Brodus comes out dancing. Show on the mic. Doink reference! Doink had talent? Sure. Spear by Show and we're off with a Brodus beatdown. Why do Cameron and Naomi just stand in the ring like two frozen pandas? Really? Run or something. Kofi and Truth come to help, but get taken out. Show nukes the announce table. Show grabs part of the announce table and hits Brodus with it. Truth and Kofi also get destroyed. WMD to Brodus.

Big Johnny comes out on the stage to raise Show's hand. I like this ending. Brodus may finally have a meaningful storyline.

I wouldn't be surprised if AW pulls the trigger and asks for the tag title match now against Kofi and Truth....

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