Vladimir Kozlov vs. JTG: *
Titus O'Neil vs. Darren Young: *1/4
Here are the official NXT rookie's records as of 7/19/11:
Titus O'Neil: 11-6
Darren Young: 7-13
Derrick Bateman: 2-0
Conor O'Brian: 6-6 (eliminated)
Lucky Cannon: 6-6 (eliminated)
Jacob Novak: 2-5 (eliminated)
Byron Saxton: 2-8 (eliminated)
WWE Redemption Points:
Titus O'Neil: 28 (Talk the Talk; Keg Carry; Arm Wrestling; Power of the Punch; King of the Hill; Talk the Talk Part 2; Talk the Talk Part 3; Dummy Demonstration)
Darren Young: 7 (Obstacle Course; Battle of the Mic)
Derrick Bateman: 0
Jacob Novak: 6 (Pull Through; Know Your Pro) (eliminated)
Byron Saxton: 4 (Trivia) (eliminated)
Conor O'Brian: 3 (Tag Team Turmoil) (eliminated)
Lucky Cannon: 0 (eliminated)
This Week's Challenge: Dummy Demonstration (3 points)
This was just as bad as when Mick Foley took on a cardboard cutout of Rocky Balboa. Fail. Titus only won because he's over with the crowd.
We got a challenge to start the show. Bateman looks more jacked than when he was on NXT last season. I loved Michael Cole's picture on that dummy. Other than that, I hated this segment.
Kozlov/JTG was underwhelming. JTG pretty much botched that missile dropkick.
What the heck was that delivered to Hornswoggle? It looked like Pikachu....
I like the Tyson Kidd/Yoshi Tatsu matches. Keep that feud going!
Titus and Darren battled in a match that at least got good time. Bateman, of course, had to stick his nose into the fray. To me, the finish was just horribly constructed. What was the point of Bateman's involvement? I guess I'll find out next week.
The whole Vince/HHH/Cena segment that closed RAW was shown again. Another great segment that really gives HHH a new TV character role.
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