Gail Kim & Madison Rayne vs. Tara & Brooke Tessmacher (Knockouts Tag Team Titles): 3/4*
Jesse Sorensen vs. Austin Aries: *
Jeff Jarrett & Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson: *1/4
Bobby Roode vs. James Storm (World Title): ***1/2
I like the name "TNT" for Tara and Tessmacher. Although at times, I still think of the MNM days in WWE. Typical heel cheat tactics to win the titles. It's best for the division. Now we have two strong Knockouts with the tag belts.
So basically, Garrett Bischoff is getting a major push. He does have the look, but he's still green on the mic. Hopefully, Eric will coach him along on this. It's a good first "feud" for Garrett.
Liking the Daniels heel turn. Should give him what he wants: more recognition on Impact Wrestling.
Time for X-Division action. Kid Kash on commentary dissing Sorensen. Match was OK, quite short, though.
The two Robs are in the ring, and Rob Terry has the spiked hair. Ronnie from Jersey Shore is there with Eric Young (never watched this Jersey Shore thing in my life and not about to start). Props to Ronnie for taking those belt shots. Ronnie's gonna wrestle? Hopefully not a debacle....
Tag match was abruptly cut short by Scott Steiner-ference. Woulda loved to see the double Swanton.
And Garrett will wrestle very soon. Should be a short match, I'm assuming. Hopefully not another Shane Sewell moment...yeah, remember him?
Loved the main event because it's clear these are two very talented guys, in a tag team for years, that are now ready for the main event singles push. Main event intros for this one. LOUD chops in this one. Nice crossface from Roode...and then he turned it into the Rings of Saturn (yup, Perry Saturn woulda loved that one). "This is wrestling!" chants...finally, something nice. Not sure if the Brian Hebner tweaked knee was planned or legit. Looks like Roode is the one going heel here, and I like that too. Storm's been getting the big pops, so Roode's the logical heel here. Oop! Tenay got bleeped for his "bullshit" comment!
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