Monday, November 21, 2011

11/21/11 RAW

Alberto Del Rio vs. Zack Ryder: *

Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger: *1/4

Cody Rhodes vs. Santino Marella: N/A

CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler: ***3/4

Wade Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston: **

The opening promo was outstanding, as usual. More Zack Ryder chants! Yes! I'm also glad they showed the post-Survivor Series stuff.

HAHA, Ryder takes the mic from Ricardo! Ryder is the man. But dammit, Zack loses? Sad panda.

I like Sheamus' physicality in his matches. A couple of good spots here.

Hey, it's Nash! Nice reference to when Kliq broke kayfabe.

Cody promo was good, and I guess Santino was again thrown to the wolves tonight. That didn't take long. Here we go! Cody with the opening salvo in this one against Booker T! Cole is the most annoying commentator in history. Congratulations, Cole. You've turned your character into one where everyone wants to hang you from a building and and take swings at you like you're some sort of pinata.

Punk vs. Ziggler was exactly what I wanted to watch. Impressive array of moves and counters. Strong finish. Wish we could get more of this quality on free TV.

Orton with the mind games on Barrett. Good match between Barrett and Kofi. Liked the end to make a statement right back at Orton.

Cena cuts his usual shtick on the mic. Thank you, Awesome Truth for making it entertaining. "Little Jimmy" chants at the end! Awesome Truth got some troubles now, thanks to Cena....

In other news, John Morrison's contract with WWE expired, but he signed an extension to work through the end of November. From what I've gathered, WWE may not re-sign him. It'd really be a shame if so. TNA would scoop him up in 90 days, no doubt.

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