Alex Riley vs. Drew McIntyre: *1/2
Epico & Primo vs. Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso: *3/4
Tyson Kidd vs. Trent Barreta: **
The match with A-Ry and McIntyre was average...and then Drew did the figure-four around the ringpost! It may have been for only a couple seconds, but that woke me from my slumber. Drew did a good job of working an "injured" body part. Crowd perked up a bit more after Drew's big boot to A-Ry. But a TKO and it's over.
Epico and Primo are coming out to pretty generic Latino music. Usos coming out to their Polynesian war dance. Great tag moves from Epico/Primo. Good win for the cousins.
Here's a match with potential...Kidd and Barreta. I just realized Kidd has a little hair on his head now (albeit it's still buzzed). Kidd with the brainbuster for the win. Crowd was into it a bit, so gotta give credit for that.
WWE is really pushing Cena and Rock tagging at Survivor Series. These next few months will feature much of the same, me thinks (although it would be Rock vs. Cena on that occasion). The road to WM 28 will really get going after the Royal Rumble. And no, leave the title off Cena. Let guys like Alberto run with the belt for a while. Whatever happened to long title reigns? Oh yeah, that's right...they went the way of the dinosaur.
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