AJ Styles & Kurt Angle vs. Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez: ***1/2
Douglas Williams vs. Evan Markopoulos: *1/2
James Storm vs. Bobby Roode: *1/2
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray: **3/4
Shaq is on Impact! It's also Open Fight Night and Gut Check night.
Styles and Angle start the show, and they call out Chavo and Hernandez. I love it already. Match was a thing of beauty. Lots of great wrestling and reminds me of those tag matches with the Smackdown Six in 2002. Kaz and Daniels ambush the ring and cause the no-contest. But yeah folks, THAT was wrestling.
Hulk then makes official what we all knew: triple threat tag title match at BFG. Another match that should be outstanding. Considering this will be their biggest PPV of the year, I hope to give this match four stars.
Joseph Park has the evidence in his hands and Hogan is stoked.
Gut Check time! Evan Markopoulos is our contestant this month. Nice experience for a kid who's only 18. Awesome pop for Evan. Opponent is Douglas Williams. HELL YES, GREAT PICK.Typical master vs. student type of match. I swear Williams' gut is getting bigger, though. Evan got a bunch of offense in, although it stayed relatively basic. Williams witha submission win. I'd call it the best Gut Check match we've seen so far. I'd give him a contract for sure.
James Storm promo. He calls Roode a coward and calls him out. RR is in his suit. Roode refuses. Hogan gives him three minutes to accept or it's basically no more meaningful wrestling for Roode. Roode reluctantly goes out and Storm goes right to town. Crowd's loving it. Yup, even the beer makes a cameo. Nice fan participation. Both Storm and Roode end up shoving Brian Hebner out of the way, so ref calls the match off. We've got another BFG match....
Hogan wants to know where Joseph Park is. Aces & Eights tell Hogan they have a corporate lawyer. Park deemed to be held hostage.
Tara heel promo on her actions last week. The whole "fans used me to get on TV" reasoning. Christy Hemme called out. Woohoo. Tessmacher with the save. Segment did its job.
Championship Thursday next week. Looks like they even used the TV Title for all that. Wait, didn't Devon leave the company as the TV champ? Yeah.
Hogan promo on Aces & Eights. Park's laptop is smashed and then he's taken out. Good lead into next week.
Aries calls out Bully Ray for the main event. Aries with the hot start, then Bully gets on the offensive. Vintage Earl "I'm sticking up to the bully" Hebner. Ref bump in this one, and Earl misses Bully tapping to the Last Chancery. Bully with the chain to Aries' face and he gets three. Easily the second-best match of the night. Please, do not ever make me see Bully on top of Hebner ever again.
Bully tries a title belt shot, but Hardy makes the save. Staredown between Aries and Hardy in the ring to hype BFG.
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