Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso vs. Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks: *1/2
JTG & Darren Young vs. Percy Watson & Titus O'Neil: *
Derrick Bateman vs. Johnny Curtis: 1/2*
Usos tried hard to get the crowd in it, like that effort. Bateman was basically buzzkill on that one. I hope this thing gets even remotely interesting. Nice to hear about the Usos' football days. Jimmy was a defensive back and Jey was a receiver. Guess athleticism was in their blood all this time. The tag match was painfully slow until the hot tag. Doing that running crushing shot with their ass was a lot more cool when Umaga did it, sorry.
The whole thing with the cougar hitting on Bateman then slapping him when someone's around...yeah, seen that many times before. Oh, so this was Maxine's mother. So the games run in the family....
I'm not sure if Titus is losing a bit of crowd reaction, but he still gets more than the other two guys. Percy has really gotten in even more kickass shape...sportin' the abs! Good for him. I wish Young woulda held onto the tights or something though, just to reinforce how fluky a win it was.
Post-match promo from Titus was the best one he's done to date. He finally snapped and showed a more serious side instead of trying to play to the crowd.
Bateman and Curtis got real winded at the end of the match, making it look pretty ugly. Yup, engagement's off. Curtis with the evil smirk, and Striker wants to be the rebound guy. Unfortunately, the crowd has still not perked up on this one.
Oh, and Tribute to the Troops airs next Tuesday!
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