Monday, November 22, 2010

11/22/10 RAW

Sheamus vs. R-Truth: **1/4

Ezekiel Jackson vs. Alex Riley: N/A (squash)

Daniel Bryan vs. Ted DiBiase: *

Natalya vs. Alicia Fox: 1/2*

John Morrison vs. Tyson Kidd: *1/4

Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett (WWE Title): *1/2

The Miz vs. Randy Orton (WWE Title): *

Many thoughts from tonight's show:

(1) R-Truth seems to have gone back to his "What's Up" theme. I like it better than the "Crunk" one anyway.

(2) CM Punk on the announce team = win

(3) Tyson Kidd went from Hart tag team to a guy with generic heel music. Oop.

(3) So Miz is champion. Figured it would happen sooner or later. Good for him. He's been one of the best things to happen to WWE in the last couple years. Another thing I liked: it wasn't a total squash. 411mania will have a bunch of screengrabs to use from this episode.

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