Colt Cabana vs. T.J. Perkins: Great mat wrestling. The two have wonderful chemistry, but I'm just not a big fan of Cabana's laid-back, having-fun style...I prefer the more intense stuff. **
Sara Del Rey & Serena Deeb vs. Daizee Haze & Awesome Kong: Now THIS is a treat. Serena returning to the ring (growing her hair out again), along with Awesome Kong. It's too bad women's matches can't always be like this. Tons of action, a few false finishes. Gotta love it. **3/4
Eddie Edwards vs. Sonjay Dutt: Another great match here filled with hard hitting and impact moves. I was wondering where Sonjay had disappeared to. ***1/4
Homicide vs. Christopher Daniels: What can I say...yet another solid match. These two veterans can definitely go. Despite the seemingly dirty finish, I enjoyed the action. ***
Jay Briscoe, Mark Briscoe, & Mike Briscoe vs. Claudio Castagnoli, Chris Hero, & Shane Hagadorn: Excellent stuff. Very fun to watch. The right mix of comedy and intensity. Seeing Papa Mike do wrestling moves was pretty cool -- and he was super over with the crowd. ***3/4
Roderick Strong vs. Davey Richards (World Title): What an unreal title match -- and this was not even the main event! This one really put Strong over as a credible world champion. Richards had to have at least a concussion after this one. Damn. Davey is one tough SOB. The chase continues for Richards, but it will be that much sweeter when he actually does win the title. ****1/2
El Generico vs. Kevin Steen (Unsanctioned; Mask vs. Career): And this, my friends, is how you tell a story. An appropriately bloody war to end their one-year feud. Simply put, it was a Fight Without Honor that truly was not for the weak heart. This is not just the match of the night, but perhaps the match of the year. ****3/4
MVPs: Generico/Steen lived up to the hype. Enough said.
Overall Rating: Another incredible PPV from ROH. Ever since I was introduced to this a few years back, I've wondered if the product could get better. I think this PPV answered that question. Outstanding stuff, and a must-see for a wrestling fan. ****1/4
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