Ted DiBiase & Brodus Clay vs. Chris Masters & Byron Saxton: *1/2
Alberto Del Rio vs. Derrick Bateman: 3/4*
Here are the official NXT rookie's records as of 12/14/10:
Brodus Clay: 1-0
Conor O'Brian: 1-0
Johnny Curtis: 1-0
Byron Saxton: 0-1
Jacob Novak: 0-1
Derrick Bateman: 0-2
Challenge Wins:
Johnny Curtis: 2 (Obstacle Course - 2 pts)
Byron Saxton: 1 (Karaoke)
Jacob Novak: 1 (Capture the Flag)
Brodus Clay: 0
Conor O'Brian: 0
Derrick Bateman: 0
Karaoke Challenge:
Byron Saxton won probably because he was on key for at least a little while. Bateman got a cheap pop. Other than that, just horrid. I'll give props to Brodus -- although I would have been more amused had he sung a Divas theme like Kelly Kelly or LayCool.
Obstacle Course:
Controversy abound. Brodus Clay still rules. Johnny Curtis takes advantage of a second try and wins TWO immunity points. Was he scripted to win? Who knows.
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