Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre (IC Title): Very solid opener. Nice quick pace to start the match. Crowd definitely was into it; gotta love the Joe for hot crowds. I was a bit surprised that Kofi won it with the S.O.S., but hey, if that gives Kofi another finisher for people to watch (instead of it being just a signature move), I'm all for it. I wish the match was given more time and I wanted Drew to get in more offense; a couple more minutes of that would have gotten it to three stars. **1/2
R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase: This was a decent match for what it was worth. Looked like the two had some chemistry problems or botches at times. Not sure if the suplex stunner (Osaka Street Cuttter) from Truth was on purpose, but either way, it looked cool. DiBiase did not get in as much offense as I would have liked, and when he did, it was quite basic. *3/4
Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk (Punk's Hair vs. Rey Joins Straight Edge Society): One probably would have thought this would be good when it was revealed that all S.E.S. members were banned from ringside. Again, stopping the match to tend to blood...I don't like that at all. Stupid PG rating. Despite that, however, it was still a tremendous match. Great counters and moves from both men. The one thing that I love about Rey Mysterio matches is not just the unique offense from Mysterio; it's the unique offense Mysterio's opponents are able to pull off due to Rey's small size. Did not think that a simple rollup would win it. How symbolic was that when Mysterio handcuffed Punk to the ropes? Looked like Punk was getting crucified for a second there. ***1/4
Tyson Kidd & David Hart Smith vs. Chris Jericho & The Miz (Unified Tag Team Titles): Yet another great match here. Loved the numerous counters and various moves. these four work well together. This shouldn't be the last we see of JeriMiz in the Unified Tag Title picture, but I do wonder if WWE will pull the trigger on a possible Miz vs. Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) feud, and if they do, I hope it is soon. **3/4
Edge vs. Randy Orton: I was expecting a lot from this match as well. However, I assume the finish had to have been changed on the fly to a double countout; it looked way too awkward for that finish to be planned. Orton dislocated his shoulder signaling for the RKO, which really sucked for him. The match was OK, but really did not have as much going for it as I would have hoped. The Orton injury really killed the match's potential, and hopefully he's not out too long. *1/2
The Big Show vs. Jack Swagger (World Heavyweight Title): This was horrible. I wasn't expecting a three-star match, but I was at least hoping for more than this. Perhaps it was more due to time constraints or what not. A DQ, really?! The post-match activities were better than the match itself. The bottom line: Swagger did not impress me tonight, and neither did Big Show. They both fail. 1/4*
Eve Torres vs. Maryse (Divas Title): Not a bad match, but not much to write home about, either. Crowd was pretty indifferent on the match, as usual, but at least they showed signs of life at a couple points. Good moves from Eve -- even a couple of new ones I never saw from her before -- while Maryse got in a few basic moves. 3/4*
John Cena vs. Batista (I Quit; WWE Title): Well, I was at least hoping this match would be good; a lot of time was given to this. But of course, I keep forgetting that WWE usually goes off the air about 15 minutes before the top of the hour. The storyline buildup told a good story, but the match, in my book, failed to deliver. It certainly did not feel like a big-time match. The trainer tending to Cena's cut did not help at all. Their Last Man Standing Match was way better...way better. If I were Batista, I would have preferred to go out last month -- and change the ending of the LMS match to a better finish. This was an even crappier way for Cena to win. Last month was duct tape -- which was tolerable because they did exhaust all moves. But here, Batista quit merely from Cena threatening to do an Attitude Adjustment on Batista from off the top of the car? Seriously?! That's it?! But hey, at least we got to see the Spanish table busted! ***1/4
MVPs: None. No match stood out to me.
Overall Rating: This PPV was on par with Sacrifice...not worth your money. WWE and TNA had a horrible month. Quite frankly, as sad as this may sound, TNA's PPV was better than this one. *3/4
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