Phil Shatter vs. Jack Salvation: Very solid opening match. Very nice crowd reaction as well, mainly because these two are well known in the area. I might not know who these two are, but it was well done. **1/2
Davey Richards vs. Kenny King: Loved the match. Amazing crowd reaction, excellent action, awesome counters. Everything you want in a great match. ****
Necro Butcher vs. Erick Stevens (Butcher's Rules): I loved the crowd reaction, but the match was otherwise too straightforward. A rollup won the match?! Good grief. *1/2
Rhett Titus vs. Cassandro El Exotico: I have never seen so many sexual mind games in my life. Loved the lucha libre moves El Exotico pulled off. Apparently, Prazak said during the Kings of Wrestling/Briscoes match that El Exotico broke his leg near the end of the match. That explains the rollup finish. **3/4
El Generico & Colt Cabana vs. Kevin Steen & Steve Corino: Another great tag team match, mainly for the nice storytelling (especially between Steen and Generico). Flow of the match was good. A few nice moves thrown in (including that sick powerbomb against the ring apron), but otherwise, nothing much stood out. DQ finish was lame. ***
Claudio Castagnoli & Chris Hero vs. Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe (Tag Team Titles): A match-of-the-year candidate. Lots of false finishes and exciting moments. Crowd reaction was great, but not the loudest I have ever seen. To me, the end hurt the rating, but it made sense to finish it that way after all the physicality. ****
Tyler Black vs. Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong (Elimination Triple Threat; World Title): Excellent match. Again, a lot of false finishes and exciting moments. Crowd definitely into it, but not the loudest. This one seems to get the nod over the tag match because there were more impactful moves and better storyline progression. ****1/4
Magno & Blue Demon, Jr. vs. Misterioso & Super Parka: Um, OK.... This should have gone before the triple threat -- if even on the card at all. I didn't understand why the chair was allowed. And then Misterioso was unmasked, which seems OK because he was already unmasked years before. The match was just confusing to me. I liked the hard slaps and some of the lucha moves, but this was more comedy relief than anything else. The crowd liked it, but I cannot rate this because I have no idea how to rate this. Some parts seemed great, others were just weird. N/A
MVPs: Black, Aries, and Strong deliver in their awesome rivalry.
Overall Rating: Three matches were match-of-the-year candidates. A bunch of the other matches were respectable to great. The lucha main event is the only problem I had with the show. Talk about the wrong match at the wrong time.... But overall, a successful PPV. ***3/4
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