Eric Young and LAX vs. Sonjay Dutt, Jimmy Rave, & Kiyoshi (Six-Man Elimination): ***1/2
Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin (X-Division Title): ****
Shane Sewell vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir: **1/4
Beer Money, Inc. vs. Abyss & Matt Morgan vs. Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed (Tag Team Titles): **3/4
ODB, Roxxi, & Taylor Wilde vs. Kongtourage (Raisha Saeed, Rhaka Khan, & Sojourner Bolt) (Person getting fall gets title shot against Awesome Kong): 3/4* (ODB gets the pin)
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett (No DQ): ****1/4
Sting vs. Rhino (TNA World Title): ** (Good aggression at the start, but the match seemed just too pressed for time.)
Brother Devon, AJ Styles, & Mick Foley vs. Booker T, Scott Steiner, & Cute Kip: ** (Things picked up after restarting the match, otherwise it would have been a pretty bad rating.)
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