Tuesday, June 29, 2010

6/29/10 NXT

MVP vs. Husky Harris: DUD

Kaval, Lucky Cannon, & Michael McGillicutty vs. Alex Riley, Eli Cottonwood, & Titus O'Neil: *1/4

Here are the official NXT rookie's records as of 6/29/10:
Michael McGillicutty: 3-0
Alex Riley: 2-1
Eli Cottonwood: 2-1
Percy Watson: 1-1
Kaval: 1-2
Lucky Cannon: 1-2
Husky Harris: 0-2
Titus O'Neil: 0-3

Results of the first NXT poll (50% pros, 50% WWE Universe)
Percy Watson
Michael McGillicutty
Alex Riley
Lucky Cannon
Eli Cottonwood
Husky Harris
Titus O'Neil (eliminated)

NOTE: Lucky Cannon won the Keg Challenge with a time of 12.7 seconds and was immune from elimination this week. As you can see, it turned out to be moot because he wasn't last in the NXT Poll.

No surprise that Kaval was #1 due to the fans having 50 percent of the vote. I must say though, he has the skills to make it in WWE. If Kaval worked on the mic skills, he'd be the winner -- he's already one of the frontrunners to win it all. And hey, he won't be going the way of Daniel Bryan...he won on NXT! And at least Michael Cole is not on his case. I thought it was clever for Kaval to not do the keg challenge, pointing to his size and wanting to impress in the ring. He only had a few minutes to wrestle in the six-man tag, but I liked what I saw.

Percy Watson at #2 again is totally due to the fans. He is very agile and has a lot of showmanship, but for me, he can still work on his in-ring wrestling skills. I do like the guy, and I think he has a shot to make it.

Michael McGillicutty at #3 again is a little bit of a surprise. He may be 3-0, but again, nothing to make me go "Wow!" or make me do a double-take.

Alex Riley is one person I thought would be a bit higher (I can't believe I'm agreeing with Michael Cole on this one). Again, the fans swaying the vote to make it more of a popular vote deal. To me, Riley seems quite polished for an NXT rookie, with a great look. He also has a chance in the WWE.

Lucky Cannon has done nothing for me so far. So he keeps saying he's lucky and has had a couple brushes with death. Great feel-good story, but show me what you got in the ring, son. You won the keg challenge...good for you.

Eli Cottonwood is another rookie that has done nothing for me yet. He just looks lost in the ring. Mic skills need to be worked on big time. So basically, of the people remaining in the competition, he is at the bottom of my list right now.

Husky Harris did make a statement by attacking Matt Striker last week, and I think that's really what saved him from elimination. His match with MVP tonight was atrocious, and I just wanted to change the channel. He has an attitude, though, and I like that.

Titus O'Neil was eliminated basically because he has a stale act...if any. Blah blah blah, "and make it a win." That's all I remember about him. At least he was a class act in his farewell speech.

As an aside, I would love for Nexus to grow and include these eight guys as well. It would probably be a nice shot in the arm for the group by that point. (Please note I have read no spoilers about the fate of Nexus, despite them being out there)

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