Well, I finished up my first semester of law school classes, and all that's left are the final exams. I'm not too worried about the finals; they're just tests and if I study hard enough, I'll be back next semester. Trust me, I don't really care if I lose my scholarship. I just want to get out of law school alive.
My first final is Torts on Tuesday (11/27), then Contracts on Friday (11/30). The following week, I have Civ Pro on Tuesday (12/4) and Crim law (12/7). I've made some outlines for myself, and I also have a bunch of law school supplements to help me study. I should be in good shape.
Yesterday was the first Thanksgiving that I spent away from my family. It did feel a little weird to not go to my uncle's house and spend the holiday with them, but obviously I had more important things to do, like study. I did go with a friend to his student-mentor's house, and we had a nice Thanksgiving feast.
Yes, it's cold up here. Being from Hawaii, I'm not used to this weather. Temperatures are in the 30s, when it feels like it should be below zero. At this rate, I'll be triple-layering my jackets before finals end next month. Oh well, good luck to all law students as they take their final exams.
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